Friday, February 24, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

1. In your opinion, what is the best way to treat an abused child?
2. What types of treatments do you know about?
3. How many of the types of abuse have you used?
4. How do you know if a form of treatment is effective or not?
5. Is the treatment the same for a child who has been abused for years the same as someone who was only abused once?
6. What are some elements of effective treatments?
7. Do you think a practitioner has anything to do with how effective the treatment is? Why or why not?
8. How many children have you helped?
9. What kind of abuse is more common with your clients?
10. Do you think that there should be more than one way to treat one child?
11. Do you believe that the child's family should be part of the therapy session as well?
12. How do you feel about group therapy within children?
13. What do you think about cognitive therapy?
14. In your opinion, what kind of therapy is most effective?
15. What makes that therapy so effective?
16. How can you tell if and when some type of therapy is effective or not?
17. Have you been treated before?
18. What kind of therapy did you use?
19. In your opinion, was it effective?
20. On average, how many child abuse victims do you see per week?

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