Sunday, September 25, 2011

Presentation Reflection

1.  In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.
            Although, my research had a lot of information on what was considered to be abuse my interviewee also told me some things. She also told me about the "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" phrase and how it was actually the opposite! So, the way that it affected my presentation is that I got a lot of information from her and it helped me.

2.  What do you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?
              I think that I gave information on what the different types of child abuse are and what they end up doing to the children in the long run, and I think that I had their attention.

3.  What was the most challenging to do and why?
              I think that the most challenging thing to do was preparing myself for the presentation. In so little time I have learned so much about child abuse and I just wanted to share everything with my class but it was not possible. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Senior Project Presentation #1

My objective to this presentation is to help my classmates understand what child abuse really is and also to inform them on what these children need to do after they are abused.

  1. Introduction (30 seconds)
  2. Short explanation on what child abuse is and what are the different types of it. (2 minutes) 
  3. What do kids do after they are abused? (1.5 minutes) 
  4. Conclusion and check for understanding (1 minute)
Check for understanding:
I will ask question regarding what they learned.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interview Check

I am planning on interviewing a family friend that has been in the psychological field for quite some time and has experience with child abuse and these kinds of situations. She has had lots of experience and I know that she is a very helpful person that would help answer any doubts that I might have. I plan on asking: How do you make these children trust you? Has there ever been a time when a child does not open themselves to you? What do you think is the most difficult part of this career? Do you recommend this career choice?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog 1: Senior Project Topic

My senior topic is Child Abuse. I chose this topic because I feel like it is something that most people have a general idea about what it is, but people still need a lot more information on it. Another reason why I chose it is because I want to be a psychologist for abused children and this will be a learning experience for me before I actually go into that field. With this year, I hope to learn a lot about what child abuse actually is, how to help it after it happens and how to prevent it. I want to help children that feel helpless, and make them feel like they are something valuable and make them realize that just because they went through something difficult at one point in time doesn't mean that they have to live with that burden for the rest of their lives. I also want to get an early understanding of what I will be doing in the future and make sure that it is something that it really is something that I want to do. I want this project to help me learn how to help!